Angola Peace Agreement 2002

The Angola Peace Agreement of 2002 is a landmark event in the history of Angola. This agreement brought an end to a civil war that lasted for 27 years, and claimed the lives of over half a million people. The peace agreement is considered one of the most successful agreements of its kind in modern history. In this article, we will discuss the background of the Angola Peace Agreement, its impact, and how it has shaped the country today.


The civil war in Angola began soon after the country gained its independence from Portugal in 1975. The conflict was between the ruling government, the People`s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), and rebels fighting to overthrow it, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). The war was fueled by political and economic factors, and was further complicated by interference from foreign powers.

The conflict created a humanitarian crisis in Angola, with millions of people displaced and living in poverty. The war also hindered the country`s economic growth, with infrastructure destroyed and foreign investment scared off by the conflict.

The Peace agreement

The peace agreement was signed on April 4, 2002, in Luanda, Angola`s capital city. The agreement was signed by the President of Angola, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, and the leader of UNITA, Jonas Savimbi. The terms of the agreement included disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) of UNITA troops, free and fair elections, and a commitment to promoting human rights and good governance.


The Angola Peace Agreement has had a significant impact on the country and its people. The end of the civil war allowed for the country to focus on rebuilding its infrastructure and economy. The government invested heavily in infrastructure projects, such as roads, schools, and hospitals. Foreign investment also began to flow into the country, and the economy began to grow.

The peace agreement also brought about a sense of stability to Angola. The DDR program allowed former rebels to reintegrate into society, and the country began to move towards a more democratic system of governance. Today, Angola is one of Africa`s fastest-growing economies, and the country has made significant progress in reducing poverty and promoting economic development.


The Angola Peace Agreement of 2002 brought an end to a long and devastating conflict in Angola. The agreement has had a significant impact on the country, allowing for economic growth, stability, and democracy. While there are still challenges facing Angola today, the peace agreement remains a testament to the power of diplomacy and cooperation in bringing about positive change.